We don't think there should be only one way to help your community!
Here are some additional ways you can support. ​
Amazon Wishlist
Budgets in schools have been getting tighter and tighter over the last few years, Parents often ask if there is anything they can do, if they are unable to attend Friends of Foulds events.​
As a result, Ms Sanett and her team have created an Amazon Wish List, which is available for parents to access and donate anything from the list. This will include classroom essentials such as pritt sticks, pens, pencils and stationery, plus a number of smaller items that enhance the children's day to day experience at school.
There is no expectation that all parents do this, but if you feel you can help in any way, as always it is greatly appreciated.
To access the Foulds School Official Wish List, you can click here or search on Amazon for 'Foulds' Wish List
Match Funding
Many companies throughout the UK offer employees the chance to boost their fundraising efforts by 'matching' the money they raise. Match funding, is an informal, albeit corporate, arrangement between a company and an employee.
Usually, a company pledges to match a sum of money raised by an event.. It is likely that there will be an upper limit and certain criteria applied, such as the recipient organisation being a registered charity.....which thankfully Friends of Foulds is. The best course of action, is to have a chat with your HR department and find out whether your employer supports match funding, if they do please let us know and we will happily guide you through the minimal paperwork to ensure we can maximise this potential.
Simply Donate
You're busy and you really don't want to hear about another sporting activity that requires a frantic call to
anyone you've ever met for sponsorship
No, you can't help out on a random Tuesday afternoon because you've got an empire to maintain!
You're a dreadful baker, so the call for homemade treats fills you with dread.
The cupcakes would have been a disaster anyway!
The idea of standing in the rain at school on a Saturday afternoon looking cheerful about a tombola is not your calling.
We get it!
If you would like to make a donation in lieu of all these things and just support the school while having nothing to buy, sell or do!
You can do so here. And we appreciate you!